Monday, April 09, 2007

Well, another day well spent. I've been hard at work on pretty much everything. Not as much as yesterday after Easter with the padres, but none the less, hard at work.

I sent out 20+ emails (all composed yesterday) to break the week-long abstinence from emailing people down in Central America bugging them for interviews. The reason I had a week off from this? Well, one person mentioned that it was infact Semana Santa, which meant everyone down there in CA get's a week long vacation. Well, not wanting to take any chances of people not being around, I figured I would work on something else for the time being and wait till TODAY to send the emails out en-masse.

So far so good. People have been responding pretty quickly. About 5 of the 20 I sent out this (late) afternoon have already responded. People in Tourism seem to have pretty long hours down there, or their work/personal emails combine. Anyways, things look good there. I also have some new contacts for Panama, which is great since I have no data from that country yet.

So my date for my defense is set. June 28th, which means I have to have a completed paper on June 22nd. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!! That is coming up super fast. And I don't have all my data. So, hopefully I get the rest of it in two weeks, which gives me till the end of April/beg of May to analyze the data (here's hoping for two - three weeks of analysis TOPS). And then I can start writing the thesis in May. I have a week that I'll be gone in June, but I also drop down to 15 hours/week at work.

Oh my friends, please think nice thoughts at me.

And I'll do my part by trying... no, staying incredibly on top of everything and not slacking off. Sound like a deal?

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