Saturday, October 07, 2006

Are you ready for this?

I'm quitting one of my jobs (the I-House one) and that makes me sad. However now I will have a bit more time to focus on school and my thesis, which, in about 3 weeks I should be having my first committee meeting to discuss the revised proposal and my research interview quetions, in 4 weeks I should have compiled my Human Subjects Review and will be turning that in and simultaneously figuring out if I can do research at a conference in Mexico early December. Early December I go to the conference, ideally collect all the data I need, and then start transcribing after finals are done. After that, writing the thesis hopefully to get it done and my defense done by early April. Luckily next semester all I enroll in is 6-7 Thesis credits (which is really just writing the thesis... no class involved here) and (of course) a Spanish class because I like to torture myself with doing more than I have to. It sounds sooo ridiculously simple, and even Stu, my advisor, said it's pretty simple from here on out... I have all my background research done, basically. But I can't believe that it is really that simple.
Chalk that up to the 4 classes THIS semseter on top of trying to get my thesis research started!
Chalk it up to the idea that I might not get all of my research done at this conference!
Chalk it up to the fact that the conference might be entirely in Spanish!

But, at least I have a timeline and a basic gameplan.

Now, instead of beginning this process, I have to go back and continue to study and write for my philosophy midterm due Thursday. Once I start it, I know it will flow, but I still have a bit of reading to go!

ps-I'm still incredibly happy at the speed of my computer! It works, and it works well, and it is a functional, happy computer now. No sad macs here (Sex in the City reference!)... to think I almost broke down and just bought a new tower, it would have been at least double what I spent to fix my problema. Happy Happy Happy!

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