Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Testing the Waters!

Today I shared with a friend about my spending fast. Her birthday approaches on the 3rd, and since we typically do lunches for birthdays, I thought it would be considerate to let her know of my decision.

She was wonderful! She suggested a "stay in" sort of lunch and folks would order if they wanted, and I could still join them but pack my own lunch. What a great reaction!

And then walking home I got to thinking about the food from my favorite Chinese place, whom I haven't been able to order from since before Thanksgiving because the phone call never goes through. I hope they aren't closed. It may not be 2012 yet, but I took it as a chance to practice. Success! I had a great salad at home, some bread with jam, and dreams of Chinese have left for the day.

I'm also practicing conserving energy - fewer lights on in the place, and I've successfully turned the TV off.

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