Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Currently Watching Mad About You - The Complete First Season see related

I hate boys, why don't they make any sense? Or, why don't they call? Either is a very valid question.

My grandma had some issues this weekend and now has a hard time walking and getting up from sitting. So, today we move her from her home of many years to a new home way the heck out of town (the other side of I-25). It's better than a nursing home, I'll admit. She'll be living in an actual house with another older person who needs assistance and there is a live-in care-provider. There are 6 of these homes that are just now opening to be rented, and future plans are for the residents to get to know each other etc. It's just so sad, the house I also partly grew up in is no longer. I can only hope that we keep it long enough that if I find out that I'm accepted to CSU and decide to go there I can rent it from my unkles and dad. That would be super handy. So, life has been SO crazy this break. I think it was a good break for the most part, but so many new/crazy/bad/wierd things have happened. And I lost so much time with the jury duty. I have a ton I'd like to do but don't know if it will be accomplished. Meh.
Time to go be productive (while trying to sneak in a bit more Mad About You watching - I got the season 1 DVD for Christmas!!). Everyone enjoy your last full week of 'freedom'!


Anonymous said...

Oh boys - they will never make sense...

Good luck with the productivity thing. I totally feel ya on it!

See ya soon former roomie and hallway neighbor~

Posted 1/12/2005 at 3:26 PM by BluesOn22s

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your grandma, Heather. I'll be praying for her. And whatever's going on with the boy, I hope you get him straightened out hehe I have no doubt you will. Feel free to call me up when you get back into Lawrence Monday or Tuesday?

Posted 1/14/2005 at 9:23 AM by steph421