Sunday, March 06, 2005

Currently Playing
By Hagood Hardy
see related

Sigh... I just got back from dropping Naomi off at the Best Western her group was staying at. It was so wonderful having her! I haven't seen her since last Christmas Break, but it was just like a day hadn't passed. So this weekend was great, just getting to spend time together. We both graduate (she's finishing in three years... yikes!) this year. I told her she should call my parents and come out with them to see me graduate... and really that invite is to everyone I know:) My padres will have an extra seat in the car since I'm not with them. It's a new car too! lol May 22nd keeps getting closer and closer.

My weekend really feels like it starts on Thursday after 4pm, because though I teach Friday I have no classes. So the weekend was a great one for more than Naomi visiting. Thursday night Steph and I cooked dinner for the three of us (Ben included... neither of us is bi-polar). It was exactly what I needed: to be away from the hall and spend quality time with good friends. More of this will be occuring.

I try not to think too much about the whole graduating and leaving all of my friends here and moving somewhere completely new where I know nobody. I like the idea of moving somewhere new, but that previous statement I don't like. I have such amazing friends here.
Time for a tad more sleep before I actually truly start my day.

OH! One last thing. Naomi and I watched Anne of Green Gables last night... sooooo wonderful! I Hadn't seen it in a while, and Naomi was the best person to see it with when I did!

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