Wednesday, March 23, 2005

It is already Wednesday! Good heavens! It was a 14 hour trip to Missoula (projected at 12, but there was bad weather around Butte, MT and a long wait for lunch in Sheridan, WY) and a very tiring day in Missoula. I also am still freaked out to no end by driving, not my driving, but when I'm not driving and have to rely on someone else (and let's face the facts, it was my Mom... I'm less trusting of her driving now... and it drives me nuts she says it was just the black ice. I mean, come on! Nobody else that day flipped a car on that exact corner you went around too fast.) I was so tense and scared and I don't know what to do to fix that. Just more driving on highways in the mountains with my mother, I guess. That stupid accident, and then my stupid accident just made me crazy I guess.

Missoula is SOOO far away. It was really cloudy when we drove out on Sunday, and the land up there is hilly so it often felt like we were driving off the end of the earth. I don't know what I'm going to do. It is so far away from everyone I love, but the school is a good one, and my advisor is so nice and he was so complimentary. I wish the decision would just be an easy one. I know it will not be easy, it will be so hard. Of course you will hear about my decision when I make one. And the deadline to make it is fast approaching. Mid April I will know where I'll be next year.
The drive home was similarly exhausting. It took 13 hours... so I'm thinking Mapquest lies. Well, maybe it doesn't lie, but it doesn't factor in all the gas stops you need to take as well as the breaks from driving, or the tickets you get from friendly Montana policemen. Yes, I got a ticket, the first ticket I've ever gotten. Add that to the list of crazy things Heather done. At least it wasn't within my first year of owning my own car. Can you really blame me? Montana is a very large state, and after a day of thinking what my life would be like in Missoula (for a soul like mine it is incredibly exhausting) I wanted to get home ASAP. The rest of the way I went back to my normal routine of not speeding. I mean, serously I am so careful about that sort of thing. I never speed. Ha! Go figure. And it was with my mom in the car. Lol.

Hmm. It looks like a lot is going on right now in my head, doesn't it? Lets just say I'll be glad to hang with Laura and see Ryan and friends. Let's just say I'll be glad to be home in KS on Sunday. Let's just say I'll be incredibly glad when my last 10 hour drive to Kansas is over, because there won't be any more after spring break unless I visit friends... and then, I may just fly!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heather, I'm glad you had a safe trip this time around and glad you liked the school! You do not have an easy decision, I know. That is a long, long ways -- and that's from Colorado! That'd be like a 2 day drive from here. WHEW! I guess the myth I've always heard about Montana (there's no speed limit) hehe isn't true. Maybe that was a long time ago! But I've always thought that the speed limit was either nonexistant or abnormally high there. Talk to you soon!! Enjoy the rest of break.
Posted 3/23/2005 5:21 PM by steph421