Sunday, March 13, 2005

The letter finally came from Montana. I've been accepted to my program and the school!!! This is the excited feeling I've been waiting for... maybe that means Montana is where I want to be. For the past few months I've not been sure where I want to go, thinking my top three were all fairly close together. Maybe that's not the case, because I'm so excited to hear that I got accepted.

I talked with Mom last night and I'm going to try and see if there is a way to get up to Missoula for a visit. Sadly though, the trip is a 12 hour drive, no trains go between Denver and Missoula... even Montana, the flight tickets to get up there are worse even than the price I get from KC to Denver (which I thought were bad!) ie: $500-600+ dollars. I don't know how I'll be able to get up there. I wish Unkle Tom lived in Denver still, we could probably convince him to fly us up there in Big Bird. So, it's time to ask the school for money or help getting up to visit the school. Oh please let them help!

Otherwise the idea for a few day ski trip to Summit County fell through because the hostel that I wanted to stay at is full. So hopefully a day or two individual trips. Mom wants to come with me to ski, so that may work out to my advantage and still give me a day I can go alone or with a friend or two. Course if I head up to Montana... that will take three days minimum from my vacation time. But it would be so cool to see the town and area!

Hmmm, you know this is going to be a big consideration, if it is that expensive to fly home or for friends to visit me. If I head there I should have some good money saved up for Thanksgiving and Christmas visits, because it will cost around $1,200 dollars to come home. Yikes! Maybe I should get my pilot's liscence. It would probably cost about that much to get certified. Course, I have no plane. Dang! I could end up being so isolated up there. I mean, my family is not rich, and Dad just went through another budget cut at work... his good boss was laid-off and Dad's being transferred to a new department with less pay. Uhg, I realize more and more that much of what drives me is money, and I hate that!

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