Saturday, January 07, 2006

Currently Listening
Fijacion Oral vol. 1
By Shakira

Things are good, despite finding out that if a ball joint does break my tire could just fall off. lol. I guess I'll have to go get those replaced.

Dancing with Logan at Suite 152 on Thursday night. His first time was not that bad, but hopefully I can get him to some lessons. There is nothing better than dancing with a man who knows how to lead and can dance well (unless he can cook... it is a close tie).

Today I'm off to a craft day with my Panama Spring Break group so we can make bunches of cool stuff to hopefully sell at the Flea Market when school starts up again. (The Flea Market is actually a place in the Student Center where people can sit and sell stuff.)

And tomorrow is a historic day in my life. I will be attending the National Western Stock Show, which I have never done before. I'm both looking forward to it, and also a little bit dreading it since I do have to be there all day. Little Shop of Physics was requested to come down and have a booth there tomorrow to represent CSU (as we are the ag/land grant school). So whoohoo for being one of the only people wearing tie-die there!

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