Sunday, November 21, 2004

I was in the kitchen/dining room for almost 12 hours straight today. Oh my goodness! I went downstairs at 10ish to start cooking the turkeys (I learned how to cook a turkey!!) and after the turkeys were in the ovens I started working on the veggie option, then we cut up gazbillions of vegetables and fruit for the veggie and fruit trays... and I don't even remember what else we cooked and made. Oh, previous to today I ended up making my typical 5 pies (though not last year) for the hall Thurs/Fri and Sat (it took forever this year). So, lots of stuff. But the hall came together so AMAZINGLY to pull it all off... even the boys at KK were working super hard and made some tremendous food. The girls who came from Elaine's sorority were super nice, and I had a very nice chat with Alvar who showed up suddenly by invite from the KK men. :) :) :)
All in all, a very tiring and busy day. I was a little put off by some pre-meeting complaints that were circulating during the dinner clean-up (considering how much TIME I had just put into the hall meal) but everything simmered down quickly and the meeting went smoothly and fast.
Now, I have to get my grading done for mis estudiantes. I hope I can get it all done tonight!! It seems like it should be much later than 9:45pm.

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