Sunday, December 12, 2004

Sooo the lunch and subsequent trip to Target may go down in my book as worst date ever, or at least lamest. However yesterday (because that deserved a second try) was really nice despite my freaking out towards the end of it. Hmmm, the Target Date and the Heather Freaks Out Date seem like a rather dubious beginning. But somehow he still thinks I'm nice (we had hours of good conversation before I freaked). So we'll go out again when I've calmed down and am used to the idea.

Christmas caroling to the halls tonight went... well. We got lots of cookies, hit Miller during their hall meeting, Stephenson's SHD let us in, but when we tried to sing to the guys in the living room they turned a stereo on to dround us out and the guys at GP gave us dirty magazines that some of the girls actually took! Shannon had it under control though and they were quickly deposited into the dumpster. EWWWW!

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