Saturday, December 18, 2004

Wow! I'm done, and I'm not going home till tomorrow. Wow. I do want to get going today, but I'm not even packed and the extra time would be nice. So, here I stay.
Last night, what a night, and the night before, what a night! I'm beginning to get used to someone liking me, I think. Thursday was bowling and looking at the stars and deciding we could be seriously dating. Last night Ryan came over after work and we watched some TV and just relaxed. I was so tired last night. Then when he left (at 7) I went downstairs for food and ended up spending the next two hours helping clean out the fridges with my 'little sister'.
So today I pack, service my car (w/ gas, fill the tires) and maybe hang out with Kellee for a bit and relax. Since I'm going to have lots of extra time, I am thinking of trying to finish up my applications once and for all. It's a good goal, and probably one I could get almost completely done.
Calling Ryan, letting him know I'm in town still today is not a sure thing. I don't know why. I think I'm still trying to get over the idea that not all boys are scum (thanks Dad).
The semester is OVER!!!

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