Wednesday, June 22, 2005

So, apparently the CSU Bookstore job isn't going to happen. Yay for being over-qualified. But on the positive side I'll start working 21 hours a week July 11th because Judy at work gave me the chance to pick up an additional shift till Fall.

I didn't say how excited I was that I get to go back up to Keystone twice this summer (and get paid to do so!!) to help with water-testing day, did I? I don't think I even mentioned it. Well, I have to get work off first, but that shouldn't be a problem because I'm requesting it off so far in advance. YAY!

It's been over a week and I'm not doing so bad. He's gotten me back into exploring music again like I was a year or so ago, or maybe more. That's good. And of course a whole host of other things good came from it too.

I'm home tonight to spend time w/ the fam!

So glad I got to talk to you today! Thanks for everything, Heather.
Posted 6/22/2005 10:17 PM by steph421

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