Thursday, April 20, 2006

So, I'm beginning to wonder when I will stop coming across these really great opportunities that test my independence as a woman and committment to getting my degree.

I found out on Monday about this amazing sounding internship in Stanford at the Center on Ecotourism and Sustainable Development. It is an internship that focuses mainly on research the entire summer about community based ecotourism in Central America, AND when I emailed the lady accepting applications, she said I could use what I do during the internship for my Masters project. So.... I applied and shipped it overnight to Stanford yesterday morning. If I get this that means a temporary vacate from my apartment for the summer (so I can come back, but don't have to pay rent) finding an apartment in Stanford, carting enough of my stuff there in my very small car to make the new apartment liveable, working straight through the summer for 10 weeks, 40 hours a week (UHG, I need a break!!) doing almost nothing but reading, and probably coming back the week after school starts here, unless I miss my cousin's high school graduation in June and go out earlier to Stanford.

So, great opportunity, and I am sure I'd enjoy it, and it would be the first summer I've ever spent outside of Colorado (a good thing to experience I think) but I wouldn't get to do all these things I'd been planning on for the summer. I wanted to hike some 14ers and spend time with my sister and go on a road trip with Laura and work at LSOP and spend time with Logan. But... I hope I get it, I really really hope I do. Life would be easier, and I might actually be able to get out of the MS program in 2 years. WOW. So, right now everything is up in the air till I start hearing back from all these opportunities. But keep it in mind, I may be in Stanford this summer. :)


Naomi said...

You should have been in Stanford two summers ago, then you would have been close to me. Now you need to go to Rice or UT or A&M or someplace like that!

Anyway, it sounds really exciting and (despite the fact you'll be even farther away) I really hope you get it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Heather! Thank you for the comment! I have to say, it does feel good to know where I'll be. And it sounds like you've got some amazing opportunities here, too! Stanford! I know it could make things crazy, but I really hope you get it!