Monday, January 09, 2012

My sister and I sometimes get together in Boulder on Sundays after she's done working at her Sunday job. It has always included lunch out, as well as browsing on Pearl Street (and luckily infrequent purchases!). I'm not sure how to reconcile this in 2012 - and as evidence I did spend money for lunch out at our favorite "in the rear" pizza place.

On the other hand, I will be spending very little this week for my food supplies. I purchased some on sale vegetarian sausage on a splurge (it's so good and so very rarely on sale!) and these two box lunches that were intriguing. I also paid for part of the Saturday dinner supplies - but being with my sis on Friday-Sunday am meant that my meal planning for those two days last week just got moved to this week! All in all I probably spent about $20. Not bad!

This seems pretty easy so far. I just need to figure out how to deal with Sundays in Boulder....

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