Saturday, August 20, 2005

Currently Reading
Life of Pi
By Yann Martel

Man, I don't know what the deal is... perhaps my writing has become more witty, perhaps I am writing about subjects that are more applicable to my general reading public, or perhaps I'm in a happy mood... in any case, it rocks getting so many comments, so thanks:)
Went to Late Night at Lory Student Center tonight. Unlike KU, CSU does not have any sort of arrangement with a beverage company, so there were no free drinks to horde. Also, not so much free stuff being given out. The only free stuff I could find worth anything were henna tattoos (looooonnnngggg line), glow in the dark necklaces and make your own whiteboard (the last two were done by the Alumni Association, go figure).

I'm so excited to start! I went by the NRRT (Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism) office today to find out how to get a key to my office, and while there stopped by to say high to my advisor. His name is Stu, he's a cute guy somewhere in his 40s... kinda what you might consider 'cool dad' cute if he were a dad. He dates someone from Estonia who is coming to CSU for graduate study and at one point he was looking at elementary schools for her 12 year old daughter. Top that off with the fact that he's partly bald and the fact that he really wanted me to take his Ecotourism class but never actually asked me to take it! That's the 'cute' my advisor is.

Anyways. Late Night to me conjures up images of Roy Williams, Bill Self, or bad sorority skits... not lazer tag or a Halo Competition in the Student Center at CSU.

It's strange how you can grow accustomed to names for certain items. I grew up here, so I was used to a 'student center' being called the student center. Attending KU I had to get used to calling the 'student center' a Union. Now I'm calling Lory Student Center the Union and confusing everyone, especially myself!

Oh, the best part about the Late Night here was something KU has never done at UnionFest. Apartment Life had a tea display and were giving out cups of tea and baklava. :)

Oooh, an ecotourism class sounds fascinating!
Posted 8/21/2005 11:32 AM by blu_enigma

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