Thursday, October 20, 2005

Currently Listening
Tuck Everlasting

Yeah, last night was interesting. The standing joke going around the group of people now is that I am Elliot's (my community coordinator) wife. It all came about because Elliot was introducing me to someone new who misunderstood what he said and thought he said "my wife Heather" or something. So Elliot thought that was really funny but we cleared that up. But then Rob comes in (he's this crazy 6'5" redhead) and Elliot asks him if he's met me, his wife. So Rob can't let go of this, and he is a somewhat hyperactive kind of guy with a talent for taking things farther than they should be taken. I left to go do homework when he started discussing moving our twin beds together. Sheesh. Then today at the Wholistic Health Fair Rob brought it up again when Elliot entered the room.
Is this some sort of new resident hazing initiation? Should I have anticipated that upon falling into the group of guys that I did that poor young, pretty Heather would be teased? dunno. It's funny, to a point. And when that point comes I either leave or ignore the comments or start sassing back... probably what they're looking for.
In any case, the guys are fun... not lifelong friends (though Elliot is a possibility, he's pretty laid back, not a drinker, deep...) but someone that I know goes to Sullivan's every Wednesday night so I can get some socializing and pool in.
I think I'm beginning to react better in social situations that normally I would have not enjoyed... namely being around a lot of new people, and a lot of them being male. Mainly the new aquaintances are: Elliot, James, Rob, Eric, Amy, Shu and Nina. Amy is who I may go salsa dancing with, she's one of the managers of I-House.
Also very important: I will be writing a grant proposal for EPA provided Environmental Education Grants! It's still the same idea: creating training/instructional videos for protected area managers to use in training tour guides and interpreters (of nature, not language). I'm excited because I can learn about grant writing, and also beause if it all works out well, I may be funded next Fall and then when I come back from PC for my final semester I could still be funded. My department couldn't get any better. Every professor, it seems, interacts with the other professors, comes up with crazy projects to pair together two people you wouldn't have expected, and look for ways to support and encourage their graduate students. Maybe it's just Stu. I know he's who wanted me to write the grant, and with Tamara (another student he advises who I hang out with lots since all our classes are together) he got her some funding for the rest of this semester. Stu rocks.
I'm going to bed... I might or might not finish reading up on this EPA Grant from the Federal Register.
Wish me luck!

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