Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Currently Listening
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
By Sarah Mclachlan

this is a busy week, phew. Little Shop of Physics has the annual Open House this Saturday 10-6pm (for those of you in town...) and we have lots of prep going on for that, and I have a number of assignments coming due... as well as a new roommate who potentially will be moving in this weekend??? Maybe, that's totally a guess, but the custodial does come tomorrow to clean the apartment for her...

I love where I work, so much, so much. It makes my life so enjoyable. Why don't I just quit school and do this? Because maybe I'm meant to create something this cool somewhere else and I'm not there yet? Because I really do enjoy learning and school? Because because because...
Sometimes I try to stop trying to explain things. I can do this with God... I don't need explanations, I have faith. I try to have faith in my everyday life... faith in myself that I can do what I set for myself to do, faith in my relationships, that they are good and faith in my friends and family that they are good people... it comes and goes, that faith. I think God wants me to be more faithful in my everyday life. Is it strange that for me I much easier have faith in God than in things that surround me? Perhaps it is because things surrounding me technically should have explanations... God doesn't need any?

So, random musings for the day. I'm getting some work done, cleaning some dishes and going to a Panama Spring Break meeting. Tonight we get our packng lists. I love packing lists!

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