Thursday, May 11, 2006

I'm done with my first year of graduate school. I feel a great pressure just lifted off my life almost. Especially because I think I've made a decision about this summer too. The paper I turned in today was the longest I've ever written, I believe. Even my thesis for honors in biology wasn't 30 pages (26 or 27 excluding references). The cool thing was, I didn't write all those 30 pages in one sitting. I wrote part of it for a different paper due last week, and that paper was based on a revision of a paper I wrote last December. Today and yesterday I wrote about 15 pages.

So now, I work, I try to get my thesis going (!!!) and relax.

Tonight is the 5 month anniversary... we won't be together on our 6th, but that's not why we're getting together... more a celebration of finals and the ability to go Salsa dancing again. The anniversary just kinda made today more special. So I'm going to make some dinner and then we'll go over and (I'm going to for sure!) have some drinks and dance.

So I'm going to head to Kansas next week/weekend for graduation and to visit friends! The non-exciting part about it is that there is an outbreak of a mutated form of mumps going around at KU... it affects people who have had the shot. That is so crazy. Lol.

To finishing a full year of graduate school and surviving extremely well!

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