Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The semester is wrapping up quickly

This week hasn't been as horrible as I was expecting it to perhaps be. I had a presentation Tuesday and got the one today changed to Monday, and then I had a paper due today for my theory class. The paper wasn't so bad, and actually was at its heart a revision of the research proposal I wrote last semester, and so I actually liked what I was writing for the first 2/3rds of the paper (till I got to the methods section and the last half of the literature review... and also cause it was 2:30am!).

Next up is a paper due Friday at noon, which is going to be the hardest one of the three I have/had to do. It's about the norm activation model proposed by Schwartz (a norm is what people percieve as what "should or ought to be" and there are personal and social norms... they can predict behavior and are activated by different concepts, of which I studied Awareness of Consequences and Ascription of Responsibility) and trying to apply it to visitor behaviors at archaeological sites in Jordan. The data was done by someone else and already in the statistics program, but I had to choose what analyses to run and now have to write a paper on it. I still don't completely understand the concepts, but, I'll wing it:)

I have a new roommate, her name is Xinhua and she's from China. So far she's quiet and keeps to herself for the most part. She is really nice, and we've had some exchanges mainly related to hooking up her tv in her room and about how the microwave sparks. But, its dead week (week before finals) and soon finals week, so we're busy. I hope we can get to know each other well.

In terms of Stanford, they do not pay for housing, so I honestly don't know if I can go and do this internship. And I kinda just want a break. I got a scholarship (!!!) which now means I have to stay as a full time student when I had been planning on only taking 6 credits and relaxing a bit. I'm going to take Spanish though, so it will be more relaxing than three full time graduate or upper level classes. And I am getting excited about the idea of maybe having come up with my own project, actually doing my own research, that I think will be incredibly beneficial and add to the literature (which is such a huge requirement) on community based ecotourism. So, we'll see if I even get offered it!

So, I'm going to see what I can do with this Friday paper tonight so I am not up again super late tomorrow.

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