Monday, September 26, 2005

Currently Listening

The Lark Ascending: Violin Showpieces

The weather has taken a merciful turn towards the cooler end of the temperature spectrum, and we've been getting rain too. The downside is that the weather is quite a bit more humid than normal (though nothing like Kansas), but the fact that I'm wearing jeans to work is NOT normal given our 90+ degree weather the past few weeks, and it is so nice!

Yesterday was our first day of such weather, and I happened to also check out a CD of great classical music, one song on the CD just spoke to me. It was Ralph Vaughn Williams (sp?) A Lark Ascending. It was magical, standing there in the rain on my deck and listening to the music. It made my day, let me tell you, and very well might make today as well except for the headache I have.

Sam's wisdom teeth came out fine this morning, apparently. I'm heading straight over to my parents house after work to be with her as she recovers. I know the joy that is lying around watching movies and looking like a chipmonk, so I want to be there for her.

At church yesterday our associate minister Sharon asked if I'd consider being one of two leaders for our Senior High Youth Group. I don't really know what to do, but I know it would be good for me in so many ways. I'd be more comfortable at church (not that I am not, but I'm still shy at the fellowship hour, whatever the reason) and get to have more experience with young adults. Good all around, but it would be a big committment for the whole year and possibly beyond, and I'm starting Graduate School (which may be very hard!), and I already have quite a few committments. Like being a Girl Scout Trainer. I officially became an apprentice on Saturday evening after a day and a half of training. Tonight I attend my first Trainer's Roundtable in Greeley. I'm nervous, but this is also something that will be good for me, and conveniently look great on my resume.

Lest you think I'm someone who does things soley to put on a resume... don't think that. I've been a Girl Scout for 15+ years, this was a natural course for me to take, to become a trainer.
OK, back to work. School starts in a little over a month. YAY!!!

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