Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My "the world is very small... or at least Colorado" for the month:

Last night I went to visit Laura at the old apartment to finally pick up my flour and sugar. When I got there, her new roommate Sarah was just getting in and so we introduced ourselves and she let me in. While there, I was chatting with Laura and happened to mention the name of one of the guys at the retreat that I swing-danced with. It turns out that he and her older brother went to high school together and were friends. So that was funny and random... I mean I've known this guy or of him since forever from church and then Laura knows him too. Then we were both chatting with Sarah, and I realized she looked familiar and it turns out I met her last February when Naomi and the CSM Society of Women Engineers came out to Lawrence for a conference... and now she is living with Laura!

So these two points really just go to show that Fort Collins, despite being over 100 thousand in size, and even Colorado are actually quite small. That, or I've stumbled into this crazy parallel universe where everyone I know knows everyone else.:)

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