Friday, September 23, 2005

Currently Watching
The Motorcycle Diaries (Full Screen Edition)
By Gael García Bernal, Rodrigo De la Serna

Back from a night with Amy of chatting and homeworking and movie watching. Gael Garcia Bernal is serously probably the hottest man ever! This weekend I also took part in an ecotourism experience planned by some people in my class. It was interesting, and ended with a 30 minute bike ride back to CSU in the rain. Oh what fun. Overall it was pretty good. There were some awkward moments, like when someone came back from a beer run with three cases of beer and a bottle of wine. Now, I'm ok with a few drinks here and there (which recently probably didn't seem the case with my exagerations... lol) but I was not comfortable when that happened! Luckily everyone seemed pretty responsible and anyways I'm not a night person so went to bed an hour or so after that. But still, just imagine someone coming over with all that alcohol, kinda scary not having been in such a situation before, even if I was with some really nice/neat people.

Campus Girl Scouts is really taking off. I'm so excited!

Also exciting, though strange to say, I'll be turning 23 in just a few weeks (oct 26th). Interestingly enough a week ago I looked into the mirror and suddenly realized that I do look older. It wasn't a bad thing either... maybe I saw how I've matured over the last few months, or maybe my wrinkles are starting to crease more permanently, I dont' know. But it didn't look bad at all! It looked quite nice.

Hopefully soon I'll have some pictures from Little Shop of Physics for you to look at! For whatever reason I still can't figure out how the picture feature works. Help, anyone?

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