Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Currently WatchingWings of DesireBy Bruno Ganz, Solveig Dommartin, Otto Sander, Curt Bois, Peter Falksee related

So I'm sick. And I have to stay home till the fever has been down under 100 for 24 hours. GRRRRR! There was really nothing else for me to do but go to Watkins last night. I finally definetly realized I had a fever so called around to find a thermometer to check. So, long story short Kellee took me to Watkins w/ a temp of 101.9 and I was informed that I have the virus that is running around campus. I felt fine most of the rest of the evening, and therefore thought perhaps I was getting better. Nope. Last night I woke up at 2am with another incredibly high fever. I hate that I am missing so much today. I actually do feel (right now) that I could attempt a class or two. But I think a number of people would probably hunt me down and drag me back to the hall if they found out I skipped out of my sick day to go take my physics test.
I'm just so glad to have people around me who care so much. I miss old roomies though. Kellee is just fantastic! She is so caring and helpful. Thank God for her. Kimberly as always was fantastic last night too. When she didn't have a thermometer she came up anyways and made me lie down with a cool washcloth on my forehead. Thank God for amazing people.
Ok, so today I am going to try and remember to take advantage of the forced upon me day of respite by watching a movie I have to return to the library soon and maybe sneaking out to run (hobble, what's the difference?) up to the Union to make some photo copies.
I miss Keystone.

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