Sunday, February 13, 2005

Big sigh......

Sam is gone. It was so fun having her here! She got to see where I live and what my life has been like the past 3.5 years. She arrived Friday night at about 8pm and we had some dinner together. Then we went up to see The Notebook at the Union (I <3 Union movies!!!) and it was good and sad and weepy. Then we came home and went to bed after talking for a bit. It was also a crazy night Friday night anyway because Shannon went rushing off to help a friend in need and Sara and I were all worried. But things are better now I believe. Anyways, yesterday I woke up way too early but I had to anyways to go do produce prep. for Abbey. It was nice and relaxing and took less than an hour. So I came back upstairs and waited for Sam to wake up. I'm glad she got to sleep in a bit, she was so tired. She woke up and we got ready and around noon we headed to KC(Missouri! ) and The Plaza. It was fun, we didn't get lost at all, only missed a few turns.... We ambled around and looked at stores and bought a bunch of stuff at Bath and Body Works (the guy was an amazing salesman!). I don't know that we did anything spectacular but it felt like a spectacular visit. It was just SO NICE being with my sister again. So anyways, we drove back home to Lawrence for dinner that was fantastic. Then we went to visit Stephanie so Sam could see her place. It was so nice talking with Steph. I think we could talk forever, Steph and I, and still have things to talk about. Or maybe it's just been a while since I saw her. Anyway, I almost felt like I imposed... we kinda just invited ourselves over... but I think it was ok in the end. It forced Miss Steph to eat dinner (Steph... bad you!). So, after that Sam and I headed to Target so she could get a gift for Tony for V-day (more like D-day if you ask me) and then we met up with Anna and Colleen and Colleen's friends at Rudy's and chatted before heading over to Cold Stone. Then Sam and I came back to the hall and talked for quite a while and watched SNL together and just chilled.

So, in conclusion, it stinks to see her leaving, but it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO wonderful to have her visit. I love Sunny Sam.

I'm really glad I have class tomorrow evening. I can just forget all about the Valentine's Day I almost had with a boyfriend. j/k I'm not that bitter... really.

DOH! I forgot to tell about the OK trip... hmm, we're getting long here. Ok, quickly:

The Oklahoma Trip was FANTASTIC!! 5 hours down, 4 hours of concert, which for the first hour or so we thought was very strange (Ben Kweller isn't Ben Folds!!). We had a picnic in the hatchback of my car halfway through the evening, and after the concert at midnight I taught Shannon how to drive stick in the Lloyd Noble parking lot, which she learned in an amazing 30 minutes!!! So, then that meant I didn't have to drive again till 2am when we switched (being somewhere outside of Wichita). We had some good conversation and I finally overcame my driving fear (due to the two car wrecks) but not my passenger side fear (everything looks different from the otherside of the car). We got back to Lawrence at 6am and I slept till maybe 11:30am (totally not enough sleep). It was so worth it, this trip. I needed to do this, and am very glad I did.

Life is good, it could be better, but you have to live in the moment and not let that other goodness you don't have bother you! Happy Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by last night! Good to see you and Sam. You are NEVER imposing--you're always welcome over here! The boys love to see you. :)
Posted 2/13/2005 at 12:51 PM by steph421