Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Well, I think that grading will be going alright for another week at least. For some reason Hangkyo seems to be obsessed with keeping the averages all very similar amongs the three labs we teach. I understand why you wouldn't want one lab with an average of 87 and one with 95, but ours weren't different like that... they were 97,96,92... not that different. All As. And maybe I grade too hard, but if, as he put it, we are expecting them to perfect their labs while working on them in class then why grade 'easy'? I guess I'll never get used to grading. It's always been what I have the hardest time with. I want my students to succeed, and by in large, I believe all my students do, but that doesn't mean they are always doing A work. I don't know. Any help from the teachers out there?
Anyways... Samantha's visit starts Friday!!! And it is snowing to beat heck!!! Yahoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grading and assessments are such difficult things to figure out. I have absolutely no advice as a future teacher other than to say you're not alone. This is the subject of many of my ed. classes!! What's fair...

Posted 2/8/2005 at 9:17 PM by steph421