Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I feel like I've had a breakthrough! Finally, I've had an actual conversation with Karin (my roomie) again!!! I had the feeling that putting my new TV in the living room as opposed to my bedroom (where she has hers) might draw her out or keep her out someday. Well, I was watching Family Guy last night and she came in from Ju Jiztsu class(sp???) and of course I asked how she was and things went from there so that she ACTUALLY sat down in the living room and we watched the rest of Family Guy and chatted through it till the next show started and then maybe 10 minutes into that.I learned that she locks herself in her room so she is forced to study, which explains the closed door and why she always studies with the TV on (she needs the TV on to study, I guess). I learned that she's got friends and has been making new ones through her class, and she's not making many here becuase she doesn't want to be distracted when she's at home.
YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! Anyways, that was a good thing that happened last night.
I'm off to classes and work (and to vote)!

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